E:41 How To Enjoy The Kentucky Derby with Marco D’Angelo from Wagertalk.com
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Opening Monologue
Cousin Vito elaborates on today’s show!
Information on today’s guest, plus get ready for a new segment, and more!
How to Enjoy the Kentucky Derby and Horse Racing with Marco D’Angelo
Cousin Vito and Marco D’Angelo chat about the upcoming Kentucky Derby. This interview includes best practices when watching, wagering, partying, and making luck happen on derby day!
Marco gives up his PICKS for the Kentucky Derby this weekend!
Learn more about Marco and his picks @ www.wagertalk.com
Let Me Tell Your Future
Cousin Vito divulges the future of the podcast! Plus, inside information upcoming episodes, upcoming casino trips, and season 4!
Listener Voicemail!
Robin from NETimeGambling.com calls in with a GREAT craps question!